The Patras Science Park Proof-of-Concept program

The implementation of the program started in Autumn 2018 and aims to enable researchers and young scientists to promote their ideas and turn them into marketable products. The process of transforming an innovation to the commercialization stage can be achieved by:

  • the presentation of the mature product to a wide range of investors, or
  • the creation of a business, taking into account the nature of the idea, the market potential and the inventor’s plan.

A Proof-of-Concept proposal can be submitted by researchers from all over Greece.

The Proof-of-Concept program is financially supported by Donors. The budget of the program is €500,000 per year to support 10 ideas (up to 50,000 per project). The duration of the project implementation time is 1 year and may be extended for a further 6 months without increasing their financial support. Each project will be continuously evaluated and its support will be suspended if it is negatively evaluated by the Advisory Committee.

 Submission deadlineEvaluation Deadline
Spring phaseApril 30thMay 25th
Autumn phaseNovember 4thNovember 25th

Proposals are submitted only in English.

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