Terms and Conditions of an Award
By submitting this application the Project Manager/Principal Investigator and the host organisation confirm their agreement to these Terms and Conditions of an Award.
- The Host organisation must be established as a legal entity under Greek law
- PoC program does not fund any military development
- PSPPoC does not support basic research and therefore the creation of any prototype. The program seeks for projects that have already finalized their research and are moving towards their commercial development.
- Projects that will allocate resources for labs & researchers will not be funded
- A Commercialization strategy should be predefined, including funding roadmap for the project development
- Project will address the Greek markets, but primarily focus on Global markets (EU, Asia, US, etc)
- PSPPoC provides funding only to proposals which are at least in TRL 1 or TRL 3
- Clarification of each member team role. The project team should constitute of experienced individuals, including:
i. one technology expert
ii. one marketing expert
iii. one financial expert
iv. one commerical/sales expert - Clear action plan and expected results from the PSPPoC program
- Creation of a Business Plan
- Advisory Board and Scientific Board recommendation
- Submission of Progress report
- The proposal must identify and be based on publicly-funded research conducted primarily in Greece or by Greek nationals.
- Proof of Concept grants can be up to a maximum of EUR 50 000 for a period of 18 months (12 months project + 6 month integrated extension). The PSP PoC expects that normally, proof of concept projects should be completed within 12 months. However, to allow for those projects that require more preparation time, projects will be signed for 18 months. Extensions will be granted only exceptionally.
- Indirect costs (overheads) will not be paid
- The Host Organisation will employ the Project Manager/Principal Investigator for the duration of the project. If necessary any proposed changes will be discussed with Patras Science Park Proof of Concept (PSP PoC) coordinator.
- The first stage of implementation requires the signing of a partnership agreement between the partners for the joint implementation of the project and the terms of the cooperation between them. The partnership agreement is drawn up between the partners in order to resolve issues that will arise during the execution of the project. The PSP PoC is involved in this agreement.
- The cooperation agreement must be agreed and co-signed before the initiation of the project. Issues to be addressed in these are mainly: the organization of work between the partners, the organization of the project management, the determination of the rights and technical and financial obligations of the partners, as well as the management of the issues related to Intellectual Property Rights. The cooperation agreement is required to be signed by the Legal Representative of each partner of the cooperative scheme.
- The commencement date of the implementation period of the proposal is the date indicated in the Cooperation Agreement.
- The Project Manager/Principal Investigator and the Host Organisation by accepting the award declare that each partner has the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed work.
- All publicity material generated by or on behalf of the project shall mention the support of PSP PoC and must be approved for release by PSP PoC unless otherwise agreed.
- The non-confidential abstract may be used for publicity purposes by PSP PoC and will be published on the website on commencement of the project.
- Project Managers and/or the project teams will engage in such publicity activity as PSP PoC requests.
- Access or ownership of the intellectual property or know-how required for the project has been agreed in principle and agreement will be reached before the date of commencement of the project.
- PSP PoC will be involved in any discussions and agreements on access and ownership of the intellectual property or know-how.
- The Project Manager/Principal Investigator declares that they have taken into account all ethics issues and declared to the Host organisation those that may arise and put arrangements in place for management of those.
- Participation of one or more team members in the PSP PoC training programme for entrepreneurs is mandatory and costs will be met from the award.
- Funds will be released quarterly in arrears.
- Progress reports in the prescribed format are required quarterly and release of funds will be conditional on satisfactory progress. Project managers/principal investigators are encouraged to discuss any potential delays or unexpected results with PSP PoC as soon as these are identified.