Dimitris Paximadis

Ex General Manager and  share holder BBDO Advertising, Athens
Ex Managing Director, President and major share holder, OgilvyOne Athens
Member of NGO ΚΕΜΕΛ

Dimitris Paximadis assists startuppers to effectively apply the Lean Startup Methodology using a customer centric road map based on the following Marketing and Communications Discipline:

1. Know your Prime Prospect
2. Know your Prime Prospect’s Problem
3. Position your brand as a Solution and
4. Communicate Effectively.

Organization of bootcamps and regular training sessions is an integral part of the mentorship with the support of the other expert members of KEMEL

Background information:
Studies Miami University (BS in Industrial Engineering), MBA studies, Xavier University.
Working experience Program Analyst / Supervisor,  IBM WTC Detroit  and Athens.
Marketing Services Manager, Coca-Cola Export, Athens
General Manager and  share holder BBDO Advertising, Athens
Managing Director, President and major share holder, OgilvyOne Athens, 1987 – 2005.
Member of KEMEL since 2010.Author:  “Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing”, and “From Promotion and Direct  to CRM.

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