Evolution of Biopix from a research team to a spin-off

Evolution of Biopix from a research team to a spin-off

November 2018 – Awarded by PSP Proof of Concept (PoC) funding tool (50.000 euro)

October 2019: Hired a business developer

September 2019: Appointed mentor by KEMEL, Mrs. Papathoma Katerina  

December 2019:Established a Startup

April 2020: BIOPIX-T meets funds from Equifund under the PSP support  

May 2020: The company BIOPIX produced a prototype unit for the detection of COVID-19 (later known as IRIS device) which has received a positive evaluation and opinion letter from the PASTER Institute.  

July 2020: Received competition award, John & Mary Pappajohn which was suggested by PSP

July 2020 (31/7): End of the project

Number of meetings with PoC Advisory Board: 6

September 2020: Raised funding by Metavallon

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